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Eid Mubarak 2022

Eid mubarak and May Allah bless you and your family. We have a few updates. Abbasid History Podcast EP040 Muhammad Ali Mojaradi – On Rumi: His Life, Works and Legacy of a Muslim Poet Despite many a tattoo of his alleged verses decorating limbs of

Asmaa Hussein UK Tour

Asmaa Hussein (author and founder of Ruqaya’s Bookshelf) is joining IHRC from Canada, for two exclusive author evenings to discuss her international best-selling books, A Temporary Gift: Reflections on Love, Loss and Healing and A Place of Refuge. Asmaa Hussein is the owner of Ruqaya’s Bookshelf, a publishing company founded

Revd. Stephen Sizer Tribunal, Day 2

Why are the Board of Deputies maligning an interfaith initiative to achieve peace and justice in Palestine asks Arzu Merali? Around the world on day 2 (see Mick Napier’s video from Day 2 below). In summary, everyone who goes to Iran is suspect; Iranians are

Solidarity with Revd Stephen Sizer

Arzu Merali reflects on the targeting of Revd. Sizer, and the accusations made.   Revd Stephen Sizer’s Church of England hearing upon accusations of anti-semitism began yesterday.  Amongst the accusation levelled at him (all of which are spurious and made, it appears, to malign his

International Children’s Day 2022

We have a few announcements. Author Evening with Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan Join us today for an author evening with Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan to discuss her latest book, Tangled in Terror: Uprooting Islamophobia. Purchase a copy of Tangled in Terror from the IHRC Bookshop. To attend the public event, registration is required.

Mental Health Awareness

We have a few announcements for you. Mental Health Awareness Week is taking place from 9th to 13th May. This year, the Mental Health Foundation are raising awareness of the impact of loneliness on our mental wellbeing and the practical steps we can take to address it.

Eid ul-Fitr Mubarak

Eid ul-Fitr Mubarak. We have a few announcements for you. Eid Discounts IHRC Bookshop are giving away 20% discount off all books. The Discount code is: EIDREWARD. Hurry! Offer ends on Wednesday. Author Evening with Ibn Daud Join us for an author evening with Ibn Daud

Ramadan Recommendations

We have now entered the last ten days of the blessed month and IHRC Bookshop & Gallery have a few announcements for you. IHRC Bookshop & Gallery are offering 15% discount off all books. Our discount code is RAMADANREWARDS. Al-Quds Day 2022 The annual al-Quds Day March is returning for Ramadan