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Professor Yakov Rabkin lecturing at IHRC conference 2006

Judaism vs Zionism in the Holy Land

Professor Yakov Rabkin presents a fascinating examination of Jewish opposition to Zionism within the Holy Land and a vision of a “post-Israel” Middle East.  September 2006.

Falluja: One Year On

Doctors for Iraq (DFI) is a group of doctors who have experienced and witnessed the destruction of the infrastructures of the health system in Iraq.

The headscarf ban in French schools: Truth unveiled

This is a collective book. Through testimonies, it tells how, French citizens, lived through the implementation of the March 15th 2004 law on the enforcement of the principle of secularity in French state schools.

United To Protect Our Rights

Protect Our Rights: A briefing document on the governments anti-terrorism proposals.

A joint analysis from UK’s leading civil society organisations.