Briefing: The shrinking political space for CSOs in the UK
Muslim groupings are at the sharp end of a narrowing space for CSOs engendered by a growing environment of hate
Muslim groupings are at the sharp end of a narrowing space for CSOs engendered by a growing environment of hate
Western Capatalist economics have come to Muslim world with a label of Islamic Economics but it does not represent the essence of Islamic values and principles. We need a functioning Islamic Economy by replacing the entire capatalist idealogy and not merely replacing the terms. This Hub is a starting point to share articles, briefings and policy documents on Islamic Economics.
The coalition forces have done little to distinguish between military and civilian targets, with the Yemeni civilian population the main victims of this conflict
Modernity is a civilizational project of death. By Ramon Grosfoguel
Free Speech on Israel has produced a leaflet defining what antisemitism is and what it is not
Narjis Khan reflect on the United Nations’ response to international ‘terrorism’ following 9/11. Download the PDF here
A collection of resources and links from IHRC in relation to the events taking place in Kashmir
Reflect on how ownership of this sacred Islamic institution needs to be reclaimed by the Muslim Ummah collectively
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