14th November 2001
Campaign to Sop the War & Get Coalition Forces out of Afghanistan
1. Please write to the Prime Minister Tony Blair, 10 Downing Street, London, SW1A 2AA demanding a halt to the war. A specimen letter follows.
2. Please get as many people as possible to also write.
Dear Mr. Blair,
The war against Afghanistan
I am deeply concerned and horrified at the humanitarian catastrophe that is being increased in Afghanistan by Allied bombing and military action.
I strongly urge you to cease all British involvement in this campaign. This military campaign has brought and will only bring the innocent people of Afghanistan more suffering and misery. Whilst Britain assists in this exercise, many ordinary people both in the UK and abroad are sensible to the fact that international law and precedent has been violated in this action.
Your government’s actions can only confirm people’s worst fears that the coalition against terror is in fact happy terrorise more innocents as revenge. This is morally unacceptable. I hope to hear from you shortly confirming that British forces will no longer be taking part in the military operations and that you will be urging the USA to stop its ill thought out retaliation. Further I look forward to hearing that you will be pulling British forces out of the area.
Yours sincerely,
Campaign Against anti-Terrorism Legislation
The proposed new laws to target terrorism can most probably will be used to imprison and report genuine freedom fighters and supporters of liberation movements, whose action are not only Islamically acceptable but acceptable to international law.
1. Please write to your MP as a matter of urgency asking him / her to vote against the Bill proposing the laws when the matter is put before parliament. Please send your letters to your MP at the House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. A specimen letter follows. IHRC has produced a briefing for MPs, which you can send with your letter giving more details. Please contact us if you want a copy.
2. Try and get as many people from your constituency as possible to send letters to their MP.
Dear [MP’s name],
I am deeply disturbed by the proposed introduction of more laws supposed to prevent terrorism.
Part of this law will allow authorities to detain suspects without charge or trial for up to six months at a time, with no due process. This is clearly unacceptable in a civil society. There are further aspects of the law that also violate basic rights and norms e.g. allowing police to arrest airline passengers who refuse to leave aircraft, or making the refusal to remove ‘disguises’ e.g. masks or gloves a criminal offence. This may be last time you will be able to stop such oppressive laws being enforced as the new law also contains provisions for European measures on terrorism to become law without going to parliament. I am sure you will agree that these laws are truly unacceptable. I hope to hear from you confirming that you will do your utmost to ensure these proposals do not become law.
Yours sincerely,
3. Please send us copies of the responses you receive.
4. If you feel confident enough, try to arrange for four or five people who share your MP to ask for a meeting to find out his views on these matters. You can contact IHRC for more advice or help on these matters.