Central Asia

World Chechnya Day

In February 1944 Stalin ordered the immediate deportation of the entire Chechen and Ingush peoples to the steppes of Central Asia resulting in the deaths of up to half of the population…

World Chechnya Day

In February 1944 Stalin ordered the immediate deportation of the entire Chechen and Ingush peoples to the steppes of Central Asia resulting in the deaths of up to half of the population…

Forwarded Alert: World Chechnya Day

In February 1944 Stalin ordered the immediate deportation of the entire Chechen and Ingush peoples to the steppes of Central Asia resulting in the deaths of up to half of the population…

World Chechnya Day 2007

The entire Chechen people were forcibly removed and more than half of them died on this day in 1944, so join us as we commemmorate world chechnya day