Hijab Ban Campaign

D-Protest ban on niqab at Impreial College, London

09 December 2005 Forwarded alert from FOSIS Forwarded alert from FOSIS: Asalaamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters The niqab has been banned at Imperial College, London! A recent dress code policy, passed by the Management Board of Imperial College on 21st October, states, “employees and students

D-URGENT ALERT: Residency denied for Moroccan wearing hijab

28 November 2005 A Moroccan living in France legally for eight years has had her application for long term residency denied, because she wears the hijab. ———————————————————— Islamic Human Rights Commission ———————————————————— 28 November 2005 URGENT ALERT: Residency denied for Moroccan wearing hijab A Moroccan

Hijab & Democracy

A compilation of IHRC briefings by Fahad Ansari and Uzma Karim, looking at the impact of anti-hijab legislation and policy across Europe and the various infringements on human rights laws and treaties these constitute.