THE GUJARAT GENOCIDE: A barbaric and planned tragedy?
A conference to increase international pressure for bringing the responsibles of the Gujurat Genocide into justice.
A conference to increase international pressure for bringing the responsibles of the Gujurat Genocide into justice.
Narendra Modi. The Chief Minister of Gujarat, and the major architect of genocide of the Muslims in Gujarat, is visiting the UK during the Easter Break
IHRC overviews the attempts by various states to ban Dalits from converting to non-Hindu faiths and the resultant violations of human rights.
The Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Gujarat succeeded in passing anti-conversion laws. These laws intend to prevent Dalits, ‘untouchables’ or low-caste Hindus, converting to non-Hindu faiths…
The Council of Indian Muslims UK has organised a national picket at the
Wembley Conference Hall from 3pm to 6pm supported by leading Muslim and
Non-Muslim Organisations on Sunday 17th April 2003.
IHRC issues this urgent alert to protest against the UK visit of anti-Muslim Hindu hate-leader Nerendra Modi, BJP Chief Minister of Gujarat (India), to address London-based Hindu supporters.
Join the Picket On Sunday 15th June 2003, London, UK
+44 208 904 4222
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