PRESS RELEASE – UK: Al-Quds Day rally a success despite best efforts of Zionists
Counter protestors hurled Islamophobic and racist abuse at the Al-Quds day demonstrators
Counter protestors hurled Islamophobic and racist abuse at the Al-Quds day demonstrators
Their aim is to brush under the carpet Israel’s ongoing atrocities, demonising those who stand for Palestine using cheap smear tactics
Their aim is to brush under the carpet Israel’s ongoing atrocities, demonising those who stand for Palestine using cheap smear tactics
Al Quds Day will take place in London on Sunday, 18 June
On 11 June 2017, IHRC protested outside the Saudi Embassy in London
Please take note of the following – Al Quds Day will take place in London on 18 June
The annual al-Quds day demonstration in support of Palestinians is due to take place this Sunday 18 June in London
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