Rights group condemns Nigerian army “massacre” at pro-Palestine protest
IHRC on the Al Quds Day killings in Nigeria
IHRC on the Al Quds Day killings in Nigeria
Demand that Saudi Courts of Justice set aside immediately the sentence of death against prisoners, and drop the charges against 7 others in ongoing trials
Panel at the United Nations – 18 September at 3pm
Discussion with Sara Russell, Zita Holbourne, Aimee Valinski and Nasreen Shaikh Jamal al-Lail.
When Moeen Ali took to the field earlier this week wearing wrist bands displaying the messages “Free Palestine” and “Save Gaza” he was probably right in calculating that his small protest against Israel’s ongoing oppression of the Palestinians would pass unpunished by cricketing authorities.
As the Israeli onslaught against Gaza intensifies so does Zionist inspired harassment and victimisation of pro-Palestine activists and groups around the world. But rather than be deterred, the most appropriate response is to redouble our efforts to help those who are oppressed, says Faisal Bodi
CI calls on Nigeria to sever all times with the Zionist state.
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