Event Alert: Poetry Evening with Sanasino
Poetry Evening with Sanasino on Tuesday 12 June.
Poetry Evening with Sanasino on Tuesday 12 June.
Introductory remark by Houria Bouteldja, at the conference titled “the necessity for another civilization”organised by the Groupe des Associations de Bagnolet (GAP) and Le Parti des Indigènes de la République (PIR), on May 7th, 2012.
Browse the latest material on the ihrc.org.uk.
Ask your MP to ask a question about Mushaima in the House of Commons.
IHRC highlights the grim situation of Bahrainis under the current regime.
IHRC draws attention to the deterioration of the Bahrain’s human rights situation at an alarming scale.
There is still time to stop Formula One’s race to legitimise torture and oppression
Indian journalist a pawn in Israel’s covert war against Iran
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