The Kazmi Affair: Weaning India off Iran?
Veteran Indian journalist Syed Mohammed Kazmi was arrested last week in connection with last month’s New Delhi bombing targeting an Israeli diplomat’s vehicle.
Veteran Indian journalist Syed Mohammed Kazmi was arrested last week in connection with last month’s New Delhi bombing targeting an Israeli diplomat’s vehicle.
Sharmine Narwani critically assesses conflicting assessments of the death toll and the implications for the understanding of events in Syria.
The retired Bombay High Court judge and advocate speaks at the Gulberg Memorial
Statement on one year of Bahrain uprising
Embargoed until 21 January 2012 23:59 GMT.
Dr Abdul Wahid reflects on 10 years of the US camp
Arzu Merali looks at the significance of the notorious prison camp
IHRC condemns PM David Cameron’s trip to “broaden and deepen” the UK-Saudi relationship in light of escalation of gross human rights abuses.
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