Event Alert: Al Quds Day Demonstration UK: 21 August
Lets bring a FULL STOP to the Occupation!!!
Lets bring a FULL STOP to the Occupation!!!
Write letters of support and encouragement to prisoners of faith and political prisoners.
IHRC campaign material on the proposed introduction of full bodyscanners in the UK.
End the Siege, End the Occupation, End Israeli Apartheid!
IHRC chairman Massoud Shadjareh discusses the current state of affairs in Palestine and the issue of ‘The Rights of Return’.
Join this year’s annual Al Quds Day Demonstration UK on Sunday 21 August 2011.
George Galloway talks to IHRC at the UN Human Rights Council session in Geneva.
An emergency briefing held at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, 8 June 2011.
+44 208 904 4222
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