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Liberating Holy Land North and South: Decolonising the Muslim Mind

Imam Muhammad al-Asi contends that the characteristics of Bani Israel as outlined extensively in the Qur’an, are to be found in the Muslim mind, psyche and collective action.  Understanding this is key to liberating not just the Holy Land but for the establishment of justice

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Why Genocide Denial and Genocide Awareness Matter

As tensions continue to simmer in the former Yugoslav state, Demir Mahmutćehajić’s reflections as to commemoration and erasure of current and previous genocides in Bosnia and elsewhere provides some insight into the possibilities and perils of the future. In July 2017[i], Islamic Human Rights Commission

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ALERT – Rohingya: Demand ASEAN take action  

  Summary  Write to the Foreign Ministers Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei demanding they use their influence within ASEAN to help the Rohingya.     Background  Since the 1982 Citizenship of Burma Act passed, the Rohingya have has their citizenship status stripped.  This intensely increased the persecution

ALERT – Palestine Campaign Actions

The past two weeks have been horrifying to witness, as Gaza is pummelled by the Israeli forces.  IHRC has produced many campaign actions for Palestine, and support for those who are campaigning.  They are linked below. Summary   The past two weeks have been horrifying

Wembley Stadium

FA asked to explain Palestinians’ omission from minute’s silence

IHRC has asked the Football Association to explain why it excluded Palestinians killed in the conflict in the holy land from a one minute’s silence it held for victims ahead of the recent international match between England and Italy. The silence was held to remember

Wembley Stadium

Alert- UK / Palestine: Demand the Football Association ends bias on Gaza

  Summary      The Football Association (FA) holds minute silence at England game for those killed in Israel and Brussels, whilst ignoring Palestinians being massacred in Gaza. Write to them and demand they accept all lives are equal.   Background     On Tuesday 17th October the England

Global call for UN to act now over Gaza war crimes

Over 300 prominent activists, politicians, academic and religious figures from all over the world have come together to make an urgent plea to the United Nations to use its offices to bring an immediate end to the “bloodbath” in Gaza. Spearheaded by the IHRC, the

Alert: Demand international organisations take a stand on Palestine

    Summary     As the apartheid state of Israel continues to commit acts of genocide, international governmental organisations like the Association of South Eastern Nations (ASEAN), the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the African Union have a duty to stand up for the rights of the Palestinians. Write