Women and Hijab in Europe
Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) organised a side-panel at the Human Rights Council March 2010 Session at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland on the topic of Muslim Women, Hijab and Discrimination in Europe.
Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) organised a side-panel at the Human Rights Council March 2010 Session at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland on the topic of Muslim Women, Hijab and Discrimination in Europe.
A cycle of violence has erupted again in India’s troubled Kashmir valley since 11th June 2010 with the shooting to death of a schoolboy by Indian troops.
A cycle of violence has erupted again in India’s troubled Kashmir valley since 11th June 2010 with the shooting to death of a schoolboy by Indian troops.
Tunisia needs a truly independent judiciary to reverse its worsening record on human rights and treatment of prisoners of opinion.
List of the massacred activists aboard the Mavi Marmara.
Israel still defends its murderous actions, refuses to lift the blockade on Gaza and insists on an Israeli led investigation.
The commandos forcefully took control of the ships and opened fire when they met passive non-violent resistance from the Activists.
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