Forwarded Alert: UK/Palestine – Meeting: ‘Solidarity with Palestine after the Gaza onslaught’
Launch meeting of the English section of the International Union of Parliamentarians for Palestine (IUPFP).
Launch meeting of the English section of the International Union of Parliamentarians for Palestine (IUPFP).
The HRC concludes its consideration of the dire human rights situation in Palestine following an interactive dialogue on the annual report of Richard Falk its special Repporteur.
This edition of “What’s new” features a series of alerts highlighting the human rights situation in Bahrian, Libya, UK and USA, as well as the event alert for the photo exhibition – ‘Uighurs: China’s forgotten Muslims’.
Reports have surfaced in the Israeli media suggesting that Israeli forces killed Palestinian civilians under what may have been lax rules of engagement during the Gaza offensive.
“You have just three days to see iconic photographs of the Uighur people who are being systematically destroyed by the Chinese authorities.”
Uighurs: China ‘s forgotten Muslims – An exhibition of photos by Per Engstrom Organised by Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC).
The photo exhibition is aimed at building public awareness for the Uighur Muslim community in China as well as highlighting the injustices and human rights abuses they suffer.
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