URGENT ALERT: Bahrain – Haq Movement representative Dr Abdul Jalil Al-Singace arrested
Three prominent human rights activists from the opposition have been arrested in the early hours of the morning of 26 January 2009.
Three prominent human rights activists from the opposition have been arrested in the early hours of the morning of 26 January 2009.
IHRC is outraged at the arrest of three prominent human rights activists from the Bahraini opposition, belonging to Haq Movement.
Demonstrations outside Thai and Burmese embassies.
IHRC is outraged over BBC’s decision not to air the DEC’s Gaza appeal ad and asks campaigners to write to the BBC’s Director-General.
In light of the latest massacre of over 1,300 Palestinians, the IHRC calls on campaigners to write to their foreign ministers urging for the creation of an Israeli war crimes tribunal.
Please visit our campaign page for continuously updated info on worldwide Gaza demos taking place: https://www.ihrc.org.uk/show.php?id=3853
Following is a list of places with timings, both within and outside the UK, as well as reports of these events when they have taken place.
IHRC will begin a round the clock vigil outside the London Israeli embassy expressing solidarity with the besieged Gazans. A regularly updated blog is available here: http://247gazavigil.blogspot.com/
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