Alert Update: Prisoners of Faith Campaign (Egypt) – Muslim Brotherhood Trial Verdict Expected Soon
Muslim Brotherhood trial verdict delayed in the wake of upcoming local council elections to be held in April 2008.
Muslim Brotherhood trial verdict delayed in the wake of upcoming local council elections to be held in April 2008.
Concerns over treatment of minorities and women’s rights in India.
Concerns over the 2006 Bahrain elections and the Citizenship Law.
Concerns over freedom of association and repression of the critics of the Tunisian government and freedom of religion.
In February 1944 Stalin ordered the immediate deportation of the entire Chechen and Ingush peoples to the steppes of Central Asia resulting in the deaths of up to half of the population…
In February 1944 Stalin ordered the immediate deportation of the entire Chechen and Ingush peoples to the steppes of Central Asia resulting in the deaths of up to half of the population…
IHRC expresses deep concern for detained human rights activists in Bahrain who face a second court session on 24 February 2007
In this ‘What’s New’ a series of Alerts outlining recent human rights issues in Slovakia, Bahrain and Egypt. Press Releases on the ruling on the “freedom of thought” issue and the Archbishop of Canterbury’s remarks. World Chechnya Day this weekend.
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