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Palestine: Thoughts from South Africa’s experience

In this article, Victoria Brittain explores the many parallels between the treatment of Palestinians by Israel and that of Blacks by the apartheid South African regime, in particular focusing on the Western powers support for the oppressor in both cases. Brittain concludes that the only effective manner in which Palestine can be liberated is for the people of the world to use tactics similar to those used to topple apartheid – Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions.


We want to thank all of you who attended the recent Yawm-al Quds / Al-Quds Day demonstration in London in solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine. May Allah, inshallah, hasten the day of victory for Palestine.

Rebiya Kadeer, Uighur activist to speak in UK tour

Brutal treatment and two years in solitary confinement has not stopped Rebiya Kadeer from continuing to stand up for the human rights of the Uighur people. Now her children back in China have been put in prison. Please join her on a demo and hear her talk