International Protest Day calls for the end of Guantánamo Bay
International Protest Day calls for the end of Guantánamo Bay
Forwarded Message from Palestine Internationalist. Latest Issue entitled Challenging Zionism, on-line now.
Help Chechnya! Request your MP to attend a Meeting on Chechnya in House of Lords, 18 July 2006
National Day of Action
Zionism and the State of Israel are representative of the global secularism and materialism which have taken over the entire world. Tthe battle against Zionism is not just about land but about a far greater clash between secular materialism and the Islamic civilisation built on spirituality and justice. Any attempt to liberate Palestine must be done at a global all-encompassing level with Islam as the framework of reference; Palestine will not be liberated until there is a war against oppression in all its forms throughout the world.
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