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Zaria Massacre

On the 25th July 2014 the Nigerian Army attacked the Islamic Movement Nigeria. The Zaria Massacre left dozens dead. This Ashura IHRC Trust is helping the children of these martyrs and others with the gift of education.  Please donate:

Nigerian students graduate with IHRC support

At IHRC Trust, we have been supporting victims of state violence. We have been helping the children of those martyred with the gift of education. Without the financial means to continue their studies, many children would be forced to abandon their studies and forced into

ILWIIR: Imam Achmad Cassiem

IHRC’s advisor and dear friend, Imam Achmad Cassiem has returned to his Creator in the early hours of 14 July, 2023.  We pray that the Almighty grants him the best station in nearness, and grants his family sabr. Imam Cassiem’s loss is immeasurable.  We will be


Watch ‘Forgotten Genocide’

IHRC’s documentary, ‘Forgotten Genocide’ details how the entire war in Bosnia, waged against its Muslim population, can and should be considered a genocide.  Whilst the international community’s echelons have reluctantly accepted that the killing of 8000 men and boys in Srebrenica was genocide, this documentary

Friends of Islamic Centre England write to Charity Commission

Friends of the Islamic Centre wrote an open letter to the Head of the Charity Commission to protest the recent decision to impose an interim manager to run the Islamic Centre of England. Read the first letter to the Charity Commission Read the response from

Press TV on London’s Islamic Centre

Watch the report by Press TV on the Outrage in the wake of the UK’s charity regulator’s shutting down of the Iran-affiliated Islamic Center of England. Watch here