UK Wide Events Commemorating World Chechnya Day
Details of UK Events on to commemorate World Chechnya Day from 15 February – 24 February.
Details of UK Events on to commemorate World Chechnya Day from 15 February – 24 February.
IHRC is horrified to learn of US plans to convert the detention camps on Guantanamo Bay into permanent jails. Currently, over 500 Muslims are being detained without charge on Guantanamo Bay.
A compilation of IHRC briefings by Fahad Ansari and Uzma Karim, looking at the impact of anti-hijab legislation and policy across Europe and the various infringements on human rights laws and treaties these constitute.
IHRC would like to take this opportunity to wish all a very happy Eid ul-Fitr.
IHRC urges its campainers to take action against recent conviction of Nureddin Sirin.
IHRC urges all campaigners to send letters of support and Eid greetings to Turkish prisoner of faith, Nureddin Sirin.
Nurredin Sirin was excluded from that amnesty
IHRC have been made aware of a significant error on the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website-
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