Prisoners of Faith Campaign Update: Mauritius – Charges against Cehl Meeah dropped
All charges against Cehl Meeah relating to the ‘Gorah Isaac’ murders have been dropped based on the unreliability of the witness against him.
All charges against Cehl Meeah relating to the ‘Gorah Isaac’ murders have been dropped based on the unreliability of the witness against him.
A quick guide to activism and resources for this Ramadan, for all campaigners.
This Ramadan, Innovative Minds and the Islamic Human Rights Commission have launched a \”Ramadan Boycott For Justice\” campaign.
IHRC and Arani & Co. Solicitors have produced a second leaflet detailing the rights of people living in the UK regarding recent developments under anti-terrorist and immigration legislation.
Check out the new resources by acclaimed academic Saied Reza Ameli and the new book by Prsioner of Faith Cehl Fakeemeeah.
Sisters, Nurilhak and Nurcihan Saatcioglu, former prisoners of faith, have been detained once more.
IHRC overviews the attempts by various states to ban Dalits from converting to non-Hindu faiths and the resultant violations of human rights.
The Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Gujarat succeeded in passing anti-conversion laws. These laws intend to prevent Dalits, ‘untouchables’ or low-caste Hindus, converting to non-Hindu faiths…
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