Hinduvata Bans Freedom of Religion in India
The Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Gujarat succeeded in passing anti-conversion laws. These laws intend to prevent Dalits, ‘untouchables’ or low-caste Hindus, converting to non-Hindu faiths…
The Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Gujarat succeeded in passing anti-conversion laws. These laws intend to prevent Dalits, ‘untouchables’ or low-caste Hindus, converting to non-Hindu faiths…
The campaign for Nureddin Sirin enters a critical phase.
Details of Saturday\’s march and IHRC\’s Campaigning for Palestine workshop.
The Council of Indian Muslims UK has organised a national picket at the
Wembley Conference Hall from 3pm to 6pm supported by leading Muslim and
Non-Muslim Organisations on Sunday 17th April 2003.
IHRC issues this urgent alert to protest against the UK visit of anti-Muslim Hindu hate-leader Nerendra Modi, BJP Chief Minister of Gujarat (India), to address London-based Hindu supporters.
New material added to the website aside from alerts and press releases include many articles and briefings.
IHRC will be working on a Europe wide project on collecting information about hijab discrimination.
Questionnaire for Muslim women wanting to take part in the Hijab project.
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