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Please assist IHRC this Ramadan by purchasing a \’Free Palestine T-Shirt\’ and / or distributing our free newsletters.
Please assist IHRC this Ramadan by purchasing a \’Free Palestine T-Shirt\’ and / or distributing our free newsletters.
A hearing on the motion for a new trial had been scheduled for 15 November 2002 in Atlanta, Georgia.
An appeal for your support as volunteers and donors. Please take a moment to read.
01 December 2002. March Against Israeli Oppression.
This march is a show of solidarity with the oppressed world-wide, symbolised by the oppression of the Palestinian nation.
2nd Nov 02 – 1st Feb 03
Details on the FIS leader\’s detention.
Updated details on the cases of Muslim activists in Turkey, including the recent Selam-Tevhid trials.
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