Prisoners of Faith: New Campaigns 2002
Details of case and country-wide campaigns including Saudi Arabia, China, Sudan, \’Israel\’ and Palestine, Uzbekistan and Iraq.
Details of case and country-wide campaigns including Saudi Arabia, China, Sudan, \’Israel\’ and Palestine, Uzbekistan and Iraq.
More details on how to campaign for the Sheikh imprisoned under laws not used since the American civil war.
Imam Jamil, the well-known and outspoker cleric was sentenced to life imprisonment without the chance of parole this year despiteserious flaws in his trial and the evidence against him.
IHRC continues to call for the immediate and unconditional release of all prisoners in Nigeria, regardless of their ethnic, political or confessional background.
What is expected to be Britain\’s biggest ever anti-war demonstration is to be held in London on September 28 in protest over Government foreign policy concerning the issues of Palestine and Iraq.
The following URL on the BBC website titled “Israel’s History of Bomb Blasts” gives a detailed account of “some of the most deadly” Palestinian bomb attacks against Israelis since September 2000.
Organised by IHRC Luton Volunteers Chapter. Supported by: Beech Hill Methodist Church, Bury Park Jamia Masjid, Green Party, Main Mosque Westbourne Road, Masjid-e-Ali, Medina Mosque, Noor Masjid, Socialist Alliance, UKIM.
Various communities in Luton will come together at a rally organised by the IHRC this Sunday to oppose the Israeli atrocities.
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