An event organised by the Islamic Unity Society with various speakers.
An event organised by the Islamic Unity Society with various speakers.
These notes give the reasoning and background for the Prisoner of Faith campaigns and methodologies employed. Please download these andread in conjunction with whichever pack(s) you downlaod.
Scots boycott Israel BIG Time In March, the BIG (Boycott Israeli Goods) campaign was launched in Scotland. The event was held in a committee room of the Scottish Parliament, and speakers included a Church of Scotland Minister, a Jewish journalist, a Palestinian and an organiser
British children will be walking hand in hand in solidarity with children in Palestine. 212 children have been killed by Israeli forces since the start of the Al-Aqsa intifada.
Children from diverse backgrounds, faiths and ethnicities will be walking hand in hand this Saturday in order to show solidarity with the children of Palestine.
British children will be walking hand in hand in solidarity with children in Palestine. 212 children have been killed by Israeli forces since the start of the Al-Aqsa intifada.
March from Hyde Park to rally in Trafalgar Square:
Please support the Boycott Zionism campaign.
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