CAMPAIGN UPDATE: Pack on Imam Jamil case now available
A comprehensive pack detailing the background to the case against Imam Jamil, his trial and various campaign materials is now available online.
A comprehensive pack detailing the background to the case against Imam Jamil, his trial and various campaign materials is now available online.
In depth background and analysis of the case against and unfair trial of Imam Jamil which resulted in his imprisonment for life. The pack contains campaigning material.
The following event has been targetted by pro-Zionist students. Please attend in numbers to voice your support for justice in the Middle East.
Protest Israeli Embassy London at continuing war crimes and massacres.
Flyer that can be downloaded and used for demonstrations, protests or awareness raising.
Transport will be arranged from:
Glasgow, Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham
Updated information on the situation, with specimen letters to the EU, Foreign Ministers, UN, etc.
+44 208 904 4222
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