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Police blasted for arrests of rabbis in pro-Palestine demonstration

Organisers have criticised the Metropolitan Police’s handling of yesterday’s al-Quds Day demonstration in which two ultra-orthodox Jewish rabbis were arrested for inciting anti-Semitism. The bizarre incident occurred at the end of the march in London yesterday which attracted around 15,000 participants. Police swooped on them

One dead as police fire at Al-Quds Day demonstrators in Nigeria

At least one person is reported dead and many more are injured after police opened fire on the annual Al-Quds Day march in Kaduna, northern Nigeria. Haidar Ishaq was hit when security forces shot at demonstrators who were marching peacefully. Videos from the event show

Pro Palestine rally will be as vocal and trenchant as ever

Organisers of tomorrow’s Al-Quds Day event are resisting calls to tone down the event for fear that it may cause offence to pro-Israel groups. The annual rally and march in support of Palestinian rights is set to attract a huge number of participants this year

Police urged to change heavy-handed tactics for Al-Quds Day march

A number of organisations have sent a strongly worded letter to the Metropolitan Police Commissioner demanding that he fulfils his responsibility to ensure that Friday’s Al-Quds Day event is policed independently without fear or favour. The letter comes in the wake of an increasing number

Powerful message from a Palestinian Christian

“They’re murdering children every day. How do you justify that?” Watch this powerful message from a Palestinian Christian speaking at Al-Quds Day 2023. Join us once again this Al-Quds Day in London on Friday 5th April 2024 outside the Home Office at 3pm.

Join the Al Quds Day Rally

Join us this Al Quds Day to #FlyTheFlag in London on Friday 5th April as we assemble at 3pm outside the Home Office, 2 Marsham Street, Westminster SW1P 4DF We will not be silenced by the government for standing in solidarity with the Palestinians. If