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A Message from Nelson Mandela’s Grandson

A Message from Nelson Mandela’s grandson supporting Al Quds Day Solidarity from a land and people that beat Apartheid to Palestinians who are fighting Apartheid today. We are with you. See you on 16th April at 3pm Outside Home Office SW1P 4DF Marching to Downing

A Message From Gaza

“Inshallah Next Year We Can All Pray in Al-Aqsa Mosque” As Israel attacks #Gaza and worshippers at #AlAqsa mosque again. Palestinian women from Gaza send this message to the world. Join the Al Quds Day protest for Palestine. Sunday 16th April 2023 3pm assembling at

Anti-Zionist Jews support Palestine

As a Jewish Rabbi I find it very important to attend the Al-Quds rally every year. Here’s why,  Watch Rabbi Elhanan Beck’s important message for Palestine. 

What would the Holy Prophet do?

“What would the Holy Prophet do if he was here today? What issue would occupy the Prophet’s mind?” This powerful speech by Ayatullah Motahari on Palestine is a must watch. Click here to watch now. Join the Al Quds Day and march for Palestine. Sunday

Continue to Pressure UK Government over Yemen

Background In 2015 a Saudi-led alliance invaded Yemen in one of the most devastating conflicts to take place so far. This alliance included Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, US mercenary force Academi, with support from the United States, UK, Germany and al-Qaeda.

Gaza’s Genocide Memorial Day

This year Genocide Memorial Day (GMD) has also been held in Gaza, giving Palestinians an opportunity to speak directly about the atrocities they have faced at the hands of Israel. From children who have lost their mothers, brothers and sisters, to journalists who have lost

UK: Take action against mislabelling of dates in your local area

As part of the BDS campaign to boycott Israeli dates, please take action if you find a mislabelled box of dates. Details of what you can do follow below. For more information on the campaign, visit the project page here. Background Action required Model letter

Pro-Palestine rally in London set to attract thousands

Thousands of protestors are expected to turn out next month for a mass rally in London against the continued occupation of Palestine. The annual Al-Quds Day rally will take place as one of the most extremist governments ever seen in Israel wages a largely unreported