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IHRC Weekly video: What We Can Do For Yemen

For more information and to donate go to: Donate to Yemen Alert: Yemen needs urgent humanitarian support! APPEAL: Help IHRC Trust Save More Lives In Yemen Yemen Campaign UN warns COVID-19 ‘roaring back’ as Yemen faces famine  

Ramadan Recommendations

Prisoner Packs 2021 IHRC will be distributing prisoner packs for Ramadan 2021 to young offenders in prison. Each pack will contain: A Place of Refuge by Asmaa Hussein, sweets, prayer bead, perfume block and Eid card from IHRC Chair, Massoud Shadjareh.”And feed with food the needy, the orphan

Palestinian Medjoul Dates

IHRC have limited boxes of Zaytoun Dates which are selling at a fast rate. These Mejdoul dates are both filling and rich with a sweet, caramelised taste. To purchase the dates, click here. As the Zaytoun Medjoul dates are sourced from Palestinian farms, purchasing from Zaytoun will help

Alert: Yemen needs urgent humanitarian support!

IHRC is deeply concerned following the UN’s warning that the COVID-19 pandemic has massively exacerbated the world’s largest humanitarian crisis in Yemen as the Arab world’s poorest country faces a large-scale famine. Please visit the dedicated Yemen fundraising campaign to donate:   The ongoing

Campaigning for political activists and human rights defenders

Since 2015, IHRC has undertaken a campaign work in support of Sheikh Ibrahim el-Zakzaky and Mallama Zeenah along with other Islamic Movement of Nigeria activists, who have been detained in Nigeria and illegally detained and targeted by State violence and brutality. The campaign has been

Murderous police attacks continue ahead of Zakzakys’ trial

Violence aimed at quelling protests aimed at the release of Sheikh Ibrahim el-Zakzaky and his wife Mallima Zeenah is continuing in Nigeria ahead of the couple’s scheduled appearance in court tomorrow. At least one person, Muhsin Jafar, was killed in the capital yesterday when police

IHRC Weekly Video: Rohingya Refugee Camp Fire: Donate Now

For further information go to: URGENT APPEAL: Rohingya emergency food aid needed, outbreak of fire – IHRC Alert: Rohingya – Demand European Commission to safeguard the rights of the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh – IHRC Alert: Rohingya – Demand UN to stop the deportation of