Nigeria Digest #126
Help oppressed in Nigeria through your Qurbani donations
Raza Kazim chaired a discussion on 28 June with guest speakers to discuss the unlawful imprisonment of Sheikh Zakzaky and seeking justice for the Zaria Massacre.
Find all the action alerts, information and resources you need on this page for the FreeZakzaky campaign.
Demand African Union’s intervention
IHRC is calling upon campaigners to write to the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) to demand they take action against China for its persecution of the Uighurs. Background Action required Model template Recipient addresses Background IHRC has published a new report into the massive social
IHRC has complained about the Jewish Chronicle’s reporting on this year’s Al-Quds Day virtual event. By email 14 July 2020 Mr. Pollard, Complaint re article on or around 27 May 2020 in The Jewish Chronicle, ‘Government lawyer joined rally featuring call for removal of Jews
A selection of articles, videos and more to help you better understand the genocide that took place
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