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NIGERIA: UN report blasts police plans to attack Ashura processions

3 September 2019 PRESS RELEASE A United Nations report has criticised a leaked directive from the chief of police in Nigeria which has sparked fears that the authorities are preparing to use the impending anniversary of Ashura to escalate a bloody crackdown against the country’s

Thinking on the meaning of Muharram – what can we do?

The holy Islamic month of Muharram provides an opportunity for Muslims to reflect on the huge sacrifice made by Husayn ibn Ali in order to maintain the high standards of justice and leadership established for the ummah by his grandfather, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

What’s New at IHRC?

27 August 2019 – Here are a few highlights of recent activities at IHRC and also what’s coming down the track. As ever please remember us in your prayers and consider giving us a donation using any of the methods listed on our website or

Nigeria Digest #93

#FreeZakzaky protests continued in Nigeria and different cities of the world

Video and Audio Resources on Kashmir

Find background and current videos and audios on Kashmir here. This page is under construction. [page updated 26 August 2019] To join the Campaign for Kashmir please visit the IHRC Campaign page here. Background Raw Footage August 2019 onwards   Background Raw Footage A cycle

Kashmir – Background Resources

Some short reading that overviews key issues regarding Kashmir, its struggles and the oppression faced by its people. [updated 26 August 2019] To join the Campaign for Kashmir and find more detailed resources including videos and audios, visit the IHRC Campaign page. To find background