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Letter to UN re repatriation of Bahraini citizens stranded in Iran

Islamic Human Rights CommissionPO Box 598, Wembley, London, United Kingdom, HA9 7XHTel: (+44) 20 8904 4222E-mail: Web: The Islamic Human Rights Commission is an NGO inSpecial Consultative Status with the Economic andSocial Council of the United Nations.H.E. António GuterresSecretary-GeneralUnited Nations Secretariat BuildingNew YorkNY

Advocate: Lawyer without Borders and more reading…

We highly recommend anyone with access to iPlayer or another format that is hosting this movie to watch it.  Advocate: A Lawyer without Borders follows Leah Tsemel, the Jewish lawyer, famed for representing Palestinian defendants accused of terrorist offences. For the last 50 years, she

Boycott Israeli Dates – 2020

In this week’s video, IHRC’s Massoud Shadjareh, answers questions on how to boycott Israeli Dates this Ramadan. From companies growing on Occupied land, to supermarket brands to “unbranded” date boxes. Find the campaign page here.

GMD Schools: Resources for February and poetry competition

February is a month to remember the Forgotten Genocide in Bosnia. We believe that justice and remembrance are powerful weapons against genocide and for this reason we want to remember the anniversary of the end of the Siege of Sarajevo.

Sheikh El-Zakaky Court Updates – 24 February 2020

Updates from the resumption of the trial at Kaduna High Court follow below. For details of the campaign, how to help and the background to the trumped up charges please visit the FreeZakzaky campaign page. [12.36] The trial is adjourned until 23-24 April 2020. [11.35]