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NIGERIA: Fears rise over ‘massacre plans’ for Arbaeen processions

PRESS RELEASE Fears are rising that the authorities in Nigeria are planning to launch a wide-scale massacre of Shia followers of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria during upcoming religious observances. The Islamic Movement claims to be in receipt of information showing that police met with

ALERT – NIGERIA: Demand the release of Sheikh Zakzaky and all those detained

The Free Zakzaky campaign asks campaigners to continue demanding that the Nigerian authorities release Sheikh El-Zakzaky, Mallima Zeenah and all those detained during and since the Zaria massacre of 2015 from the Islamic Movement. Background Requested Action Model email Recipient addresses Background The Free Zakzaky

China: Demand OIC and African Union take action for the Uighurs

China: Demand OIC, NAM and African Union take action for the Uighurs Summary Background Action Summary IHRC is calling on campaigners to demand key Muslim countries, non-aligned countries (NAM), the OIC and relevant international organisations demand China ends its persecution of the Uighurs.  Many Muslim


Demonstration for Kashmir – Cambridge, UK

6th October 2019: Join the demonstration called by The Cambridge Mosque (Abu Bakr Mosque), Mawson Road Meet at AbuBakr Mosque (Cambridge Mosque), 1a Mawson Road, Cambridge, CB1 2DZ at 10am to march to the Guildhall. Details below.