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Brief History of The Life of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky

The leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Sheikh Ibraheem Yaqoub Zakzaky was born on 15th Sha’aban 1372 (which corresponds to May, 1953) in Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria. Abridged from the work of: The Institute for Compilation and Publication of Shaikh Zakzaky’s Work. His parents

IHRC welcomes court order permitting release of Sheikh Zakzaky

PRESS RELEASE: IHRC welcomes the decision of the Kaduna State High Court this morning granting bail to Sheikh Ibrahim el-Zakzaky and his wife to leave Nigeria in order to receive urgent medical treatment. While the decision does not exonerate the pair, it is nevertheless an

Audio: Shaikh Zakzaky – Victim Of The Sectarian Military Complex

Imam Muhammad al-Asi’s Friday Khutbah overviews the sectarian position around Sheikh Zakzaky from Shi’is and Sunnis. Part one runs until approx 24 mins and covers issues around Sheikh Zakzaky and sectarianism; part two covers the latest moonsighting controversy concerning the Saudis, and related issues in

Qurbani 2019 – Remember Nigeria

We pray this finds you in the best of health and iman.  I wanted to take a few minutes of your time to ask you consider our Nigeria Qurbani campaign this year. The cost of one share in Nigeria is: £75.  You can donate here.