Event Report: Free Zakzaky demo in Johannesburg, South Africa
Protestors performed Friday prayers outside the Nigeria High Commission, and protested the detention of Sheikh Zakzaky in Nigeria.
Protestors performed Friday prayers outside the Nigeria High Commission, and protested the detention of Sheikh Zakzaky in Nigeria.
Protestors took to the street for a rally after Friday prayers on 26 July. Some photos below.
Protestors in Cape Town, stood in silent solidarity with Sheikh El-Zakzaky after Friday prayers on 26 July 2019. Photos below.
Protests took place across Dongri, Mumbai on 26 July 2019. Photos below.
Protestors gathered outside the Nigeria High Commission after Friday prayers on 26 July 2019 to demand the release of Sheikh El-Zakzaky. Protestors handed in a memorandum to demand the ailing Sheikh’s immediate release from incarceration. Find photos of the demonstrations below.
Join the protest after Friday prayers on 26 July 2019.
Join the demo in Ankara, Turkey on 26 July after Friday prayers at 3pm.
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