
Groups urge Met to stop “politicised” policing of pro-Palestine demos

Sir Mark Rowley Metropolitan Police Commissioner New Scotland Yard, 8-10, Broadway, London, SW1H 0AZ   20th March 2024   Dear Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley,   In view of the recent dismissal of a prosecution against a pro-Palestine protestor we the undersigned are seeking reassurances

Huge crowd expected for Al-Quds Day rally in London

Thousands of protestors are expected to descend on London from all over the country on April 5 for this year’s Al-Quds Day rally. The turnout could be the biggest to date in the long history of the event, in view of the rising death toll

Football’s world governing body urged to suspend Israel

IHRC and Citizens International have joined forces with 60 organisations from all over the world to demand that the world footballing body, FIFA, ban Israeli teams from all international competitions in the light of the country’s apartheid system and ongoing genocide in Gaza. The letter,

Joint letter to FIFA regarding suspension of Israel

Universal Justice Network P E N A N G  S E C R E T A R I A T                                                                                   L O N D O N  S E C R E T A R I A T Citizens International             

Interview with anti-Zionist Jewish historian Ilan Pappé

“What we now see is a resistance to colonialism, which we haven’t seen in decades. This is a meaningful point of changing the narrative from victimhood to liberation. It’s not an accident that many people from the Global South are supporting Palestine”. Watch the full

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IHRC welcomes UN statement on protecting right to protest and dissent

IHRC welcomes the statement of the United Nations calling on states to respect and enable the rights of everyone to freedom of peaceful assembly, association and expression. The statement is a direct response to the alarming level of repression by many state authorities of the