
Combat Racism in the Labour Party

Background Action required Model Template Recipient contact information   Background Islamophobia and Afrophobia run rampant within the Labour Party as has been well documented by the Forde Report and files leaked and released by Al-Jazeera in the Labour Files. Yet still, there is no response

Demand Liz Truss Doesn’t Move Embassy To Jerusalem

Background Action required Template Letter Recipients Address   Background Liz Truss has only been in power for a few weeks, but already she has shown herself to be more racist than her predecessor. At a meeting organised by the Conservative Friends of Israel on the

Oppose the Blockade on Shuafat Refugee Camp

Background Action Required Address and Time   Background The Shuafat Refugee Camp is the only Palestinian refugee camp within Quds and houses refugees who fled the Nakba and their descendants. These people have been put under a brutal siege after a soldier was killed in

Demand Tottenham Hotspur Cancel Their Friendly Match in Apartheid Israel

Background Action required Template Letter Recipients Address   Background Tottenham Hotspur is travelling to Hayfa in Israel to participate in a friendly match against AS Roma. The game, which is scheduled for the 30th of July, is shameful and disregards the crimes against humanity committed

Defend Reverend Stephen Sizer’s Support for Peace in Middle East

Background Action required Template Letter Recipients Address   Background The Reverend Stephen Sizer has worked tirelessly on creating peace in the UK, Northern Ireland and in the Middle East. He has played a role in bringing Muslim, Christian and Jewish groups together in London, Palestine

Oppose the attack on Shaima Dallali and the Student Movement

Background Action required Template Letter Recipients Address   Background The new president of the National Union of Students, Shaima Dallali, is a black Muslim woman. This, sadly, but unsurprisingly, has resulted in a significant Islamophobic and racist attack from both far-right groups and institutional organisations,

IHRC stands with Anglican priest accused of anti-Semitism

IHRC condemns the inquisitorial witchhunt against Dr Stephen Sizer, the Anglican priest who will appear before a Church of England disciplinary Tribunal today to answer charges of anti=Semitism. As a lifelong campaigner for Palestinian rights and other anti-racist causes we consider the case against him