
Authorities urged to take action against Al-Quds Day protest threat

Islamic Human Rights Commission 30 May 2019 IHRC has written to the Home Secretary urging him to take action against a known Zionist extremist who has threatened to shoot protestors attending the Al-Quds Day demonstration in London this weekend. Laurent Kachauda made the threats last

ALERT: UK – SECURITY Advice for Al Quds Day 2019

Issued 17 May 2019 It has been brought to our attention that this year’s Zionist counter-demonstration against al-Quds day will include Zionists who have threatened to shoot pro-Palestine activists as well as fascist groups. Every year we see a coalition of Zionists and far-right extremists

ALERT: IHRC Guidance for Al Quds Day 2019, 2 June

Issued 16 June 2019 Due to the continued incitement of hate and murder against the attendees of the Al Quds Day march by Zionist groups and their neo-Nazi allies, IHRC would like to provide the following guidance to participants of this year’s Al Quds day march: Counter demonstration: The Police