
Syria statement

The Islamic Human Rights Commission affirms the fundamental right of both the Syrian and Palestinian people to resist oppression and tyranny and live a dignified existence. Justice and moral consistency demand that we cannot trade one people’s rights away to secure another’s.  Yet once more

How do we De-Zionise British schools?

As per other post-genocide projects to address the embedded ideologies that dehumanise and legitimise mass murder and wide spread atrocities, societies must in the current moment look to the de-Zionisation of their institutions.  David Miller discussed why this is needed and how it might look

The Media’s Manufacturing of Consent for Genocide in Lebanon

In this study of the colonial contexts of US-backed Israeli atrocities in West Asia, Denijal Jegić analyses the victim-blaming narratives employed by media actors to justify the extension of genocide into Lebanon.    While the Israeli regime continues to commit unspeakable crimes in its genocide

Gaza Genocide – Resources

Background The death toll in the Gaza Genocide has exceeded 43,000 and yet the Western powers have only intensified their support for it in the face of a global people’s uprising. The horrors being inflicted on the Palestinians show no sign of letting up. This

Halt Gaza Genocide

Muslim States Must Act Now To Halt Gaza Genocide

As members of the Universal Justice Network, we have written to all the member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation urging them to step up and discharge their responsibility to stop the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Over 42,000 people have been butchered, the majority