A film presentation that is made by a young activist to reflect the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
A film presentation that is made by a young activist to reflect the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
This article tries to shed some light on America’s attitude towards Palestine vis a vis Israel. Through an analysis of Eurocentrism, Americanism and Zionism, the author finds a disturbingly similar trend in the practice of the Americans towards the Native Indians with the treatment of Palestinians by the Zionists.
The purpose of this article is to stress the pattern of continuity in Palestine’s modern history, beginning with the late Ottoman Period, as a geo-political entity with its own cultural cohesiveness and distinctiveness. The search is for both the political structures that existed and those offered as alternatives.
The Annual Al-Quds Day March and Rally is a time to reflect on the oppression of millions world-wide through
IHRC invites the British community to support the oppressed Palestinian people in the annual al-Quds Day march.
The Annual Al-Quds Day March and Rally is a time to reflect on the oppression of millions world-wide
The Annual Al-Quds Day March and Rally is a time to reflect on the oppression of millions world-wide
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