Alert: Prisoners of Faith Campaign Pack: US – Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman
This Ramadan we urge you to campaign for Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, elderly Egyptian sheikh, imprisoned in the US since 1995.
This Ramadan we urge you to campaign for Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, elderly Egyptian sheikh, imprisoned in the US since 1995.
Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman is the elderly Egyptian sheikh, imprisoned in the US in 1995 under sedition laws last used during American civil war
A look at the worrying state of affairs within Morocco concerning freedom of expression. This briefing is particularly potent at a time of continuously persistent and increasing state repression.
This briefing details the restrictions to the freedom of expression in the kingdom of Morocco. It also investigates the cultural and political factors involved, and the nature of the sensitive issues that are restricted within the country.
Mat Sah bin Mohammed Satray is a Malaysian individual held under the Internal Security Act (ISA) of Malaysia for the past five years and has been released in September 15 2009.
Yehudit Kirstein-Keshet explains the horror of checkpoints as a tool  toward s Israel’s realisation of maximum territory with a minimum of Palestinians; yet another element in the ongoing system of population transfer that began with the Naqba-Disaster of 1948 and that continues, by various means, up to the present time. (June 2007)
In this ‘What’s New’ the latest issue of the Palestine Internationalist, an important development in the case of Babar Ahmed, IHRC’s critical response to Salman Rushdie’s Knighthood, as well as an event commemorating the 2000th day of detention at Gitmo
Checkpoints, closures, curfews and the bureaucracy of permits and licences that back up these measures have long been the tools that facilitate the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory. However, since September 2000 the system has been intensified, ‘industrialised’ and, increasingly, brutalized. This article will make the point that the very existence of this massive scheme of obstacles, even when no physical or verbal abuse are perpetrated there, is in itself an abuse of a fundamental human/civil right: freedom of movement. More than this, allegedly a necessary security measure, the checkpoints are in fact instruments of control and humiliation of a civilian population and the paralysis and disruption of their economy and society (World Bank, 2007). Checkpoints are a tool towards Israel’s realisation of maximum territory with a minimum of Palestinians; yet another element in the ongoing system of population transfer that began with the Naqba-Disaster of 1948 and that continues, by various means, up to the present time.[1]
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