

ASEAN must take punitive measures over Rohingya Genocide

Background The continuation of refugees attempting to escape from Arakan, Myanmar, often trapped in boats for weeks, has shown that the genocide is not ending.  The Rohingya are still in such a desperate situation that they are willing to do anything to flee the conditions

Letter urges Indonesian president to protect rights of Rohingya refugees

IHRC is co-heading an appeal to the Indonesian president to take immediate action to protect Rohingya refugees facing violence, intimidation and hostility from its people and institutions. Disturbing footage aired across mainstream and social media has shown Rohingyas, who have fled persecution from Myanmar, being

Letter to Indonesian president re mistreatment of Rohingya refugees

E. Joko Widodo President of the Republic of Indonesia Istana Merdeka Jakarta Pusat 10110 Indonesia   Universal Justice Network   P E N A N G  S E C R E T A R I A T                                                                   L O N D O N  S E

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ALERT – Rohingya: Demand ASEAN take action  

  Summary  Write to the Foreign Ministers Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei demanding they use their influence within ASEAN to help the Rohingya.     Background  Since the 1982 Citizenship of Burma Act passed, the Rohingya have has their citizenship status stripped.  This intensely increased the persecution

Myanmar – Demand Justice for the Rohingya

Background 6 years ago today, August 25th 2017, the Myanmar military launched its largest campaign of atrocities against the Rohingya to date, turning what had been an already oppressive situation for the mainly Muslim minority in Arakan, into a genocide. Whilst the killing of men,

Rohingya Emergency Appeal

A fire blazing through the largest refugee camp in the world A massive fire is racing through a crammed refugee camp for Rohingya Muslims in Bangladesh, leaving thousands homeless. It has hit Camp 11 in Cox’s Bazar, where more than a million Rohingya refugees live.