Fear No More
Fahad Ansari on the spirit of revolution in Egypt.
The Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) is deeply concerned by Quartet representative to the Middle East, Tony Blair’s comments on the popular movements heralding the end of tyrannical regimes in the Middle East notably Egypt and Yemen.
The Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) praises the courage and bravery of the masses in Tunisia, Egypt and Yemen who have poured onto the streets in popular demonstrations this month.
Senior MB mebers receive unjust conviction in the so called “international networking case”.
Paul Craig Roberts on the descent of America into a fascist state.
Massoud Shadjareh says the US’s abuse of HR to attack its enemies is “hypocritical” and “self-serving”
The Egyptian State Security Prosecution pressed charges against five prominent members of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), the country’s leading opposition group.
Collective punishment against the villages and harassment against its people.
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