
What’s new at

In this edition we have a series of alerts outlining the human rights situations in Palestine, Pakistan, China, Yemen, Sudan, Bahrain, Nigeria, Sudan, UK, and the US.

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In this Month’s ‘What’s New’, an Alert requesting urgent action for Guantanamo Bay detainee Binyam Mohamed and a demonstration for Binyam on 24 July 2008. We also have an alert on the Sunday Times’s apology on the IHRC chair Massoud Shadjareh.

What’s New at

In this Month’s ‘What’s New’, an Alert requesting urgent action for Guantanamo Bay detainee Binyam Mohamed and a demonstration for Binyam on 24 July 2008. We also have an alert on the Sunday Times’s apology on the IHRC chair Massoud Shadjareh.

What’s New at

In this \’What\’s New\’ a series of Alerts outlining recent human rights issues in Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Iraq, Slovakia. We also have an alert update on Al-Jazeerah cameraman in Guantanamo Bay and the new TV program by IHRC.