Saudi Digest # 67
Saudi Arabia has always presented itself as a leader of the Muslim world, but its leadership has always consisted of violence, bribery and treachery
Saudi Arabia has always presented itself as a leader of the Muslim world, but its leadership has always consisted of violence, bribery and treachery
Saudi Arabia has now become the financers of all US colonial policies in the Middle East and beyond.
“And what reason have you that you should not fight in the way of Allah and of the weak among the men and the women and the children, (and of) those who say: ‘O Lord! Cause us to go forth from this town, whose people
The UK government rolled out the red carpet for Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman earlier this month. Members of the public called for the trip to be cancelled, to which the UK government responded by whitewashing the regimes war crimes and presenting the prince as a force for positive change in the region.
On 8 March, IHRC and others took to parliament in London to protest Saudi injustice
The protest will take place on 7 March from 5pm outside Downing Street
The actions of the Prince and the Saudi regime have been outrageous. Their gross human rights violations must be condemned.
The Saudi-UAE ruling elite has abandoned the Palestinian cause, including the liberation of Masjid al Aqsa from Zionist occupation
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