
IHRC’s research section has been delivering state of the art research since 1997.  Its innovative projects and publications are used by governments, local authorities, international governmental and non-governmental organisations.

Key projects are highlighted below. To find out more or send feedback please contact us.

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Muslim Experiences of Hostility and Discrimination

Reports on the UK, France, USA and Canada

From left: Sandew Hira, Arzu Merali, Jean Lambert MEP, Afzal Khan MEP, Abed Choudhury, 27 September 2016, European Parliament.

Countering Islamophobia through the development of counter-narratives

Best Practice in the use of Counter-Narratives in EU Member States


IHRC on Islamophobia

Reports, briefings and transcripts detailing IHRC’s work on Islamophobia that spans over 15 years and info on the Insitutional Islamophobia Conference


British Muslims’ Expectations of the Government (BMEG)

Surveys with Muslims across the UK , IHRC set out to give voice to the expectations of Muslims and articulate them to the British government.

Image (c) ­Copyright­&­Courtesy­ Mediterranea­Saving­ Humans

Tackling Attacks on Refugees in Europe

Saving Grace: State and Social Attacks on Migrants and Human Rights Defenders in Italy


Civil Rights

IHRC has focused on civil rights in various contexts from its outset in 1997

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IHRC has worked on the impact of the last 500 years of colonialisation.

IHRC’s research work is supported by IHRC Trust [Charity number: 1106120]