‘Terror suspect’ wins payout from transport police
IHRC’s Taher Gulamhussein has won an undisclosed sum from two police forces for being detained unlawfully under terror laws
IHRC’s Taher Gulamhussein has won an undisclosed sum from two police forces for being detained unlawfully under terror laws
Tuesday 5 August from 7 – 9.30pm
The latest government statistics on the operation of anti-terrorism laws continue to show a disproportionately high rate of arrests relative to terrorism convictions.
Counter-terrorism report by MPs from UK’s main parties criticized for policy reccomendations
Abuse of stop and search powers is likely to persist without effective change
IHRC raises its concerns about UK FCO’s Annual Report on Human Rights & Democracy
A campaign is being launched to deter people from going to fight in Syria
IHRC disappointed at review failings
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