Civil Rights

Conferences to highlight Muslim exclusion from public space

PRESS RELEASE [First issued 4 December 2019]The sixth annual IHRC / SACC Islamophobia Conference taking place a week on Saturday 14 December 2019 will discuss the different ways in which civil society space has shrunk in Britain and beyond, with a particular focus on Muslim

Corbyn and Anti-Semitism – Prof Gus John answers Archbishop Welby

Esteemed academic Professor Gus John resigned last week from a Church of England advisory body in response to the Archbishop of Canterbury’s support for Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvi’s intervention in The Times calling on Jews not to vote for Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party.

Rabbi’s election intervention throws minorities under the bus

PRESS RELEASE IHRC views with astonishment today’s call by one of Britain’s most influential rabbis for Jews to effectively abandon the Labour Party in next month’s upcoming general election on account of the alleged scale of anti-Semitism within the party. In condemning Labour as trenchantly


On Islamophobia, Britishness and the shrinking political space

Islamophobia has always needed to be understood as part of the deeper crisis of the political and social culture we live in, argues Arzu Merali. I have been swotting up on Jerusalem for my youngest’s A-Levels this month. I would rather abstractly debate whether the

The Times and the targeting of dissenting Muslim voices

Faisal Bodi, from the Islamic Human Rights Commission, says a recent attack on his organisation by The Times newspaper is symptomatic of an Establishment that seeks to drive dissenting Muslim voices out of the public space.  It’s somewhat perverse that The Times should draw on George