Civil Rights


Complaint to Charity Commission re UK Toremet

IHRC wrote to the Charity Commission on 19 January 2024 regarding fundraising for the Israeli Defense Forces being facilitated by a UK based charity, UK Toremet (charity registration number 1140972). The text of the letter is pasted below. We are compelled to write to you

Hizb ut-Tahrir ban seeks to cover blood-soaked UK foreign policy

The government decision to proscribe as “terrorist” the political group, Hizb ut-Tahrir, is an authoritarian and flagrantly Islamophobic act that seeks to stifle opposition to the Israeli genocide in Gaza. By banning an organisation that the government itself has acknowledged is non-violent, British authorities are

Police must arrest Zionist protestors for racial slurs

IHRC has again written to the head of the Metropolitan Police, Sir Mark Rowley, to protest about the force’s application of double standards in its policing of pro-Palestine demonstrations in the capital. The letter points to the Met’s failure to arrest pro-Israel marchers who directed


Attending Protests

Please watch / read through the following to be up-to-date on what powers can and can’t be used against protestors at demonstration in the UK.   VIDEO: WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE ARRESTED AT A DEMONSTRATION              View this